Curd Rice Recipe in Hindi: Try Sanjeev Kapoor’s secret method

If you are crazy about rice or you love eating rice, then Curd Rice Recipe has been shared with you here. This recipe is one of the popular recipes of South India. You can easily make this recipe for morning lunch and dinner, it is one of the recipes that can be prepared easily and with very little effort, it is a nutritious diet which benefits health.

Curd Rice Recipe is also known as Saddam and Daddojanam, this recipe is prepared from boiled rice, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, and available spices. This recipe comes under the quick recipe, Curd Rice is a heavy recipe, eating which you do not feel hungry for a long time, you can make it easily with the ingredients available at home, so let’s move ahead. Towards making Curd Rice Recipe.

Curd Rice Recipe Ingredients:

The ingredients used to make Curd Rice Recipe are listed below, you can increase or decrease it as per your requirement. 1 cup rice

3 cups water

1 carrot

1 green chilli

2 cups curd

1 tsp ginger

1/2 cup milk

2 sprigs curry leaves

2 whole red chillies salt as per taste

1 bunch coriander

2 tsp chana dal

2 tsp oil

2 tsp urad dal

1/2 tsp asafoetida

Curd Rice Recipe in Hindi

It will take you a total of 20 to 25 minutes to make Curd Rice Recipe. Curd Rice Recipe is an excellent source of protein, calcium and carbohydrates. This recipe is prepared with available spices along with South Indian tadka. To make this recipe, Below is described step by step in detail, if you want to make this recipe then stay in the article till the end.

Step 1: Cook Rice

First of all, wash 1 cup rice thoroughly in clean water and drain the water. Now keep the rice cooked in a cooker, after 3 whistles turn off the gas and stir the rice well with the help of a spoon and mash it lightly. Get it done.

Step 2: Mix curd in rice

Now add 1 glass of milk to the cooked rice and stir the rice. Now add 1 cup curd and salt in it, mix well.

Step 3: Prepare Tadka

Now to get the tempering, put 2 spoons of oil in a pan and heat it, add cumin and mustard seeds and fry for 30 minutes, now add 1 teaspoon of urad dal and 1 teaspoon of gram dal and cook for 1 minute, the dal should become light golden. Once done, add grated ginger, 8-10 curry leaves and 2 dry red chillies and fry on medium flame for 1 minute.

After the tadka cools down slightly, add it to the rice.

Now add grated carrots and finely chopped coriander over the rice and mix well. Curd Rice Recipe is ready. Try this recipe by following these steps. It gives a light sour taste to the food, which is what makes this recipe so delicious. It is special.

We hope that you must have liked this Curd Rice Recipe and found it easy to make. If you want to make this recipe, then follow these steps and enjoy this recipe, if you have any query related to this Curd Rice Recipe. If you want to ask questions, you can comment us.

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